Holistic Symptom Checker Natural Health AssessmentHolistic Symptom Checker | Natural Health Assessment | MedicalHippieMedicalHippie’s Holistic Symptom Checker Age: Enter your age in years. Different age groups may experience symptoms differently. Biological Sex: Select Biological SexMaleFemaleOther Select your biological sex. Some symptoms may be more common or present differently based on sex. Main Symptom: Describe your primary symptom or concern. Be as specific as possible. Additional Symptoms:List any other symptoms you’re experiencing, separated by commas. Duration of Symptoms: Select DurationLess than 24 hoursFew daysFew weeksFew months or longer How long have you been experiencing these symptoms? This helps determine if the condition is acute or chronic. Severity of Symptoms: Select SeverityMild – Noticeable but not interfering with daily activitiesModerate – Somewhat interfering with daily activitiesSevere – Significantly interfering with daily activities Rate how much your symptoms are affecting your daily life. Relevant Medical History:Mention any chronic conditions, allergies, or significant past health issues. Analyze Symptoms